Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is the best way of getting rid of mice from the Loft?

If you dont have any pets that are rodents, Ridex sells a product that you can plug in. It had a horrid high pitch noise(only rodents can hear it though) it will drive the rats out of your loft and just about any ther unwanted animals. AND YOU DONT HAVE TO KILL THEM :D.

[x]melanieinuyashaWhat is the best way of getting rid of mice from the Loft?
cats don't really work to much at getting rid of mice they play with them when they want and if they kill it even better. I have heard the best way to get rid of mice and unwanted bugs as well is Moth balls you know you buy them at the local stores. Place them around where you see droppings and in the corners of your home.What is the best way of getting rid of mice from the Loft?
a very good mouse exterminator that would do the job right. do not spread poison because your loft might start smelling funny, so you'd want traps...try to find one that can come back to you for clean up and set up extermination on a monthly basis.
sticky mouse glue traps!. dont use mice poison, it would only kill the mice and leave a nasty decaying odor as they decompose until you actually find it and throw it away. GLUE TRAPS around the walls, behind furniture. mice are nearly blind so they will always follow walls, usually the same pattern they move, they return home.
A cat?
If there are no cats in your neighborhood, I would say rat poison or something of the sort. If there are cats in you neighbor hood try mouse traps. Or you could ask if you could borrow someone's cat. Or you could look on FreeCycle, good mousers aren't uncommon there.
traps,if you don't mind killing them,just put peanut butter on it and set it down where you find droppins.

if u don't want to kill them,i think ther are traps that only capture them and then you can set them free
Buy a bucket, and make some form of stairs leading up to it. Place some peanut butter in the bucket and in the morning you should have a mouse sleeping in your bucket. Release it and call it a day.

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