Friday, February 12, 2010

Can a building management company be sued for if you get sick from mice?

We have had a problem with mice in our apartment building for about a year now and the only thing that management has done is set sticky traps around the apartments. They haven't done a great job of plugging up the holes in which mice travel through to get from one apartment to another. Just the other day, we found mice droppings on my sons floor and we vacuumed it up (i found out that's a no-no) and now I'm starting to feel muscle aches and fatigue (which is associated with the Hanta Virus?) I'm just wondering if the owners of the apartment can be sued for not doing enough to treat this problem and also for people getting illnesses for exposure to mice and their droppings?Can a building management company be sued for if you get sick from mice?
Contact your local health department and report the situation. Be prepared to report what you have done about it so far - contacting management (and how many times you contacted them, give dates and the responses you got to your complaints), contacting the owner(s), setting your own traps, etc.

It's best to make contacts with building management in writing rather than by phone call. Create documents in a word program on your computer. That way you have files that can be printed out again.

You cannot claim that your muscle aches and fatigue are associated with the mice unless you have in writing a recent diagnosis of hantavirus. At this time, you have no grounds for a lawsuit.Can a building management company be sued for if you get sick from mice?
You need to find a copy of your lease and get a lawyer. More than likely your landlord is responsible for taking care of the issue by a professional and make a safe environment for you and your family.
Yes they can be sued I don't know the whole thing so i wouldn't know the evidence and what not but it is the managers job to keep the apartment clean and tidy so from the information you put in the box i would say you have a decent case to sue the apartment and also see a doctor
you can call the health inspectors =this is a hazard and the landlord is supposed to get an exterminator in to get rid of them =good luck with getting the right kind of help

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